SAVE OUR TREES – Keep Up The Fight

Over 100 concerned local people rallied to prevent the destruction of the Wellingborough Walks lime trees this week, but the contractors still managed to cut down 14 healthy 80-100 year old trees. They were due to fell 38 this week and are coming back on Monday to cut down more on the Embankment side of the roundabout.

So protesters, lobbyists and campaigners are vowing to continue the fight to save our trees. We are meeting on Sunday 26th February, 4-5pm, in the Embankment Car Park by the threatened trees to hold a meeting about the next steps and then holding a Candlelight Vigil for the trees which might be felled on Monday. If you would like to see what you can do to help protect our historic limes please do come.

Here is some inspiration from one of the protesters that was arrested this week. Sherry and others put themselves in the way of the keen contractors to delay their attempts to destroy the Walks, and successfully did so until Wednesday afternoon until the police started dragging local people off to be arrested. But Sherry vows to continue the fight. Click here to read why in the Northants Telegraph.

See you on Sunday at 4…