Join us on under our beautiful limes, at The Embankment from 8am this Friday. North Northamptonshire Council had urged the contractors to stop the chop until Friday, and they did. Campaigners welcomed the temporary pause in felling for high-level behind-closed-doors talks take place on Friday. Everyone had a quieter day under the trees on Thursday and the road wasn’t closed either. But will the felling start again on Friday?
We would like to say thank you to everyone for keeping on eye on Thursday to make sure the contractors did actually leave the trees alone. It was lovely and calm, so much so that protesters and contractors sat peacefully together to share hot drinks with each other.
Thursday was still a busy in the background. Tree barrister Paul has written to the Council with questions for the developer regarding the legal basis of their work. Marion has also written to the contractors and North Northants Council about their meeting with the MP. Currently campaigners do not have a representative attending.
Wellingborough Town Council are also planning to hold an open meeting next week about The Walks, after request from many council members for an extraordinary full council meeting. Date to be announced but will be some time in the middle to later next week .

Well done everyone, one more day to go, nearly there but we need to keep vigilant. Do join us from 8am on The Walks to safeguard our trees!