The Legal Position

Hopefully you are aware that we filed our claim for judicial review on the 18th May 2023, and we immediately asked the court to ‘stay’ (pause) proceedings to allow time for discussions to try and resolve this issue out of court.

The court has been investigating that request, and noted the failure of both the Council and Stanton Cross Developments LLP to respond to our request for an agreed ‘stay’.

As a result, the court ordered last Thursday that all parties come up with a joint plan for how to use any pause effectively to resolve our differences or to set out why that cannot be agreed.  The judge has required us to produce this plan by lunchtime this Friday.

With the help of our solicitors, we have written out a timetable, which we think will help the parties work together to try to avoid further felling and resolve the dispute.  We have sent this draft timetable to the other parties with the hope that they will agree to it and for their input.

If this plan is agreed, it could offer a clear route to resolving these matters by the end of July, although there is no guarantee that the parties will agree even after further discussions, so we could still end up in court later on.

What is helpful is that the court has put pressure on all parties to respond to our proposals instead of us calling for certain actions but getting little response.

So, we welcome the court’s intervention to help move things on.

Possible Technical Solutions

Secondly, at the meeting on the 19th May 2023, it was agreed that we would meet with staff from the Stanton Cross Developments LLP to have technical discussions about possible changes to the road layout south of the roundabout.

We wrote last week and again yesterday to the developer, requesting certain information to enable those discussions.  We have also recruited a highways expert to help us understand the developer’s proposals and put forward some of our own ideas, where appropriate.

We hope a meeting with the developer can take place fairly soon once the information we have requested is provided.

We will keep you posted on the results.

Raising More Funds

Finally, as you can imagine, all of these actions are costing a great deal of money.

People have donated a significant amount to help towards this campaign, so far more than £23,000.   However, the legal work and highways advice is costing a great deal even though we are managing to get discounts at every stage. 

At last night’s WWAG committee meeting we noted that, given all the work the legal team has done in the last few weeks, we have spent a significant amount leaving us with about £7000.   The work that is planned, if the timetable is agreed, will use up the remainder of these funds and more.

Next week we plan to launch a further fundraising campaign to provide the further resources we need to help us save the remaining protected trees on the Walks.

We are so grateful for all the contributions that continue to be made to this campaign.  Please know that we are squeezing benefit from every pound that is being donated, but the legal route is a costly process even when we have an excellent team guiding us.

Can Anyone Else Help……?

Please do think of any other people, businesses or community organisations that might wish to help us.  Once again, tell friends and family, neighbours, acquaintances, about the campaign, and that they can make a donation at any point.

Please go to the to donate page or contact Jonathan Hornett if you wish to make a cash or cheque donation.   Every penny really is making a difference to help us save the trees.

Our Fundraising Bingo and Bar-Be-Que ‘Shindig’

On that note, this Friday evening (2nd June) we have our wonderful BINGO and Bar-Be get together.  This offers another opportunity to raise funds and a chance for everyone to get together and once again enjoy each other’s company. 

There are more tickets to buy so if you haven’t ordered your tickets yet please do. The weather looks like it will be good for our barbecue. So it will be wonderful to see you all there, and if it turns out you can make it at least you know your funds will go towards saving the trees!

Please go to our Bingo page to buy tickets in advance.  If you wish to buy them using cash or cheques, again please let Jonathan know.

I look forward to seeing you all on Friday evening, proceedings kickoff at 6:30pm

Finally, a massive THANK YOU to everyone for your continued support and efforts at all levels to save the trees on Wellingborough walks.

Best wishes

Marion and the WWAG committee xx