“Stanton Cross Developments (SCD) have made 3 new applications to NNC to discharge 4
planning conditions (about bats and landscape features – re -conditions 23,32,34 and 36).
These conditions are all relevant to route 2 and to the trees on the Walks.
It is not clear if the applications are open for public consultation. We have written to NNC to find out. We have also written asking for NNC to postpone the consultation and any decision until after the judicial review has concluded. However, as things stand any consultation closes on 8th May 2024.
Wellingborough Town Council is meeting at Swanspool House on Tuesday, 30 April 2024 at
7pm (yes the same date as the Judicial Review begins) to consider these applications.
Please respond on the NNC planning portal with your comments. This is important in case
the consultation is open to the public but also so that the Town Council can see what you are saying about the applications and can take your views into account.
Please also attend and speak at the Town Council meeting if you can. We (WWAG) will be
providing our detailed thoughts on the applications after the judicial review hearing, but given the short time for responding and the upcoming Town Council meeting, please respond before 30 April with any comments. You can always respond again after you’ve had more time to consider the detail and after we have shared our thoughts.
To apply to speak at the WTC meeting please contact Joanne the deputy clerk at: Or call Joanne on 01933 832823 before
Monday 29th April at 5pm. Please go to WTC website for further details:
To see the agenda for Tuesday’s WTC Planning Committee meeting, please click this link:
WWAG colleagues intend to speak if we can make it back from the Court in time!
More information about how to use NNC’s planning portal, how to find the relevant planning
applications, and how to make a comment will be provided as soon as possible, along with a
bit of explanation of some of the elements visible on each application.
This might be the first and only chance we have to comment on Stanton Cross Development’s (SCDs) plans for the TPO trees on The Walks. Please take that chance to tell WTC and NNC what you think and help SAVE OUR TREES…
This is a call to action, please tell your friends, all the people who have contributed and
all the people you know who want to save the trees, and encourage them to leave a comment on the NNC planning portal and/or speak at the Town Council’s planning meeting to show them the enormous strength of feeling in this town.
Background Info
The 4 planning conditions SCD is trying to discharge through these 3 applications are:
(A) NW/24/00231/CND – relates to the developers’ tree retention/removal plans on the walks – Condition 34 (extremely important!)
(B) NW/24/00229/CND – is about the provision of an up-to-date bat survey for route 2 including the Walks, and (important too) – Condition 32
(C) NW/24/00230/CND – is about soft landscaping and maintenance of that on Route 2 going forward (important in terms of what will replace felled trees and how they will be maintained) – Conditions 23 and 36
Thank you all for your support
Best wishes
Marion Turner-Hawes
Wellingborough Walks Action Group Ltd
01933 381467, mob 07584 350 308