Dear Friends,
We have until next Tuesday 11th June 2024 to lodge any further objections to the 3 planning applications Stanton Cross Developments (SCD) have put in to North Northants Council (NNC), to discharge 4 crucial planning conditions that could see at least a further 15 preserved trees from the Walks being felled, any the loss of vital habit and food sources for the many species of mammal and birds that also enjoy the Walks and the surrounding flora.
The developers (SCD) are saying that of the 61 trees in that area that are TPO trees, they plan to fell 31 in total. They have already felled 16, and they want to fell a further 15. Most of which would come from this lovely section of trees south of the roundabout.
We believe it is not necessary to fell 13 of the above trees to deliver this new road. We know there is an alternative…
Please go to the ‘Proposals’ page of this website to see the alternative plans that show that there is another reasonable approach that could be taken that would save many more trees that SCD is presently proposing.
URGENT – Please go to the ‘Planning’ page on this site to see what you need to do to have your say to help SAVE OUR historic and vital trees.
Thank you
Best wishes
WWAG Committee