SAVE OUR TREES – Stop the Planned Felling of Trees on the Historic Wellingborough Walks.

Come and make your voice heard on Thursday at 11am.

Dear All,

Do join us on Thursday to get your voice heard. We are holding a protest about the planned felling of the trees on Thursday morning (16th) at 11am, and colleagues from ITV Anglia News also intend to be there to hear and help amplify our concerns.

Please bring signs, placards (yes we’ve made a few) and things to make noise and show the developers and others, that people in Wellingborough will be heard!

Meet at the Dog and Duck at 11am.

We look forward to seeing you then…

Best wishes


Cllr Marion Turner-Hawes

Wellingborough Town Councillor,

Isebrook Ward

Here’s a poster for the protest and petition to save the trees. Please do sign at