Join us to protect our historic limes from 8am this Wednesday. It’s the first day of March and we think that the trees on The Walks should be preserved so they can spring back into life for nature and for the people of Wellingborough.
On Tuesday that’s exactly what our barrister, Paul Powesland did. He sprang to the rescue by challenging the legality of the contractors senseless and shameful destruction, and when ignored by Northants Police, he sprung up one of the 20 trees due to be removed as Northants Police cleared protesters from the designated work zone and sat in it all day to prevent further illegal felling. Click here to read all about it with the Northants Telegraph.
Mr Powlesland has been giving advice to Wellingborough campaigners, saying that in his legal opinion the felling is not lawful and has asked North Northants Council (NNC) and developers of Stanton Cross to engage with him.

And as if by magic, the rarest of beasts came out from behind the trees. NNC Leader Jason Smithers turned up to tell all that contractors were acting lawfully and that we shouldn’t be worried as the limes would not be lost, as they would be made into park benches for the town. We need to stop Jason’s magic.
A compromise to the conditions that Barrister Paul was arrested was met and he came down and was processed in a police van at dusk. Another day and just one tree lost this week to Bovis Homes contractors and the will of North Northamptonshire Council. Time to spring into action to stop more trees being cut down. See you from 8am…